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 Aesos; The Golden Armada

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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 8:28 pm

Sythico sat on his throne, his fingers hammering the arm rest in boredom and irritancy; the throne was positioned in the same room has the pilots. Servants filled the large room, working hand and foot for Sythico and the pilot’s every demand. “Anything yet..?” Sythico’s warm voice hummed through the walls and spaces, the tones filled with patience that had been lost a while ago.
“I’m sorry, sir, nothing yet!” The pilot replied whilst staring into the black mass behind the glass screen and thoughtlessly pressing buttons.
“Pity… I’m growing weary of this trek.” Sythico’s voice made the women in the room’s spines melt with hormone, some kind of magic that created lust within females. Sythico stood then walked towards the pilots, each step filled with grace and leaving some kind of glowing footprint that quickly disappeared before the next step. “Are you sure there is nothing?” He asks whilst perching his hands on the head rests of the pilots’ seats. His pure silk, white, gloves glowing with some kind of pure aura that also shone throughout Sythico’s person.
“Nothing, sir… Nothing but black with small white dots…” The co-pilot obviously had bad timing for humour as Sythico’s moods seemed weary at the tedious remark. Sythico squeezed the headrest of the seat that the co-pilot was sitting on, the crease groaned as the black leather stretched. In return the co-pilot gulped and splurred his apologies before getting back to his job.

The crew seemed to fear their king, maybe from the great power he held or maybe from past attempts at mutiny that lead to a huge wipe out of treacherous pirates. Once calmed Sythico turned back to his seat and walked straight and as graceful as before, his hair flowing behind him as if a wind had picked up.

The huge ship passed through the galaxy with an awing mass fleet to follow, each miniature copies of the larger head ship and carrying the white, gold and orange uniform colour scheme which was apparent on Sythico’s oriental-esc silk attire.

Eventually the armada reached a strange planet, Sythico pleased with this cure of his boredom called through the radio of his ships “Send down A.R999, 109 and 375. I will lead you all down on the planet, the rest of you cloak and remain hidden until I say.” Within seconds Sythico’s pod and the other ships landed on the planet, pouring out a few hundred pirates of all shapes and sizes.
Sythico stood before the assembled, they stood with great pride before their lord “I want you all to follow me… keep low and keep close…” Sythico turned and lifted his hand to gesture them to follow.

As they marched through the thick jungle Sythico noticed a small village of what seemed to be some kind of foreign human race “Strange…” he whispered to himself as he peered through the trees, he signalled his men to stay back but the lieutenants to follow.
“Seems to be tribal, sir.” One of lieutenants whispered to him after looking through his large black tech-binoculars, Sythico broke them from the man’s neck and looked through them, scanning the area.
“So they are…” Sythico then pulled out his pistol-blade and aimed it towards what seemed to be the chieftain “Ready, upon my fire signal the men to take the village and plunder.” He quietly mentioned. One clean shot and the huge man’s brains were thrown across the backrest of his overlarge thrown. Mere seconds and the men charged from the trees and ripped down the village. Terror, blood and rape painted the landscape as well as Sythico’s much loved smile which was burnt into the high throne. Upon finishing their plunder half the men took supplies and whatever they please back to the ships whilst the rest continued through the trees.

After taking more villages Sythico realised their was nothing there that could truly challenge him there, with a let down look on his soft, beautiful face Sythico about turned and left the jungle planet with whatever they had.

A blooded pistol-blade and axe-headed pole arm in hand Sythico sent his Armada to the next target, hoping to get closer to the final treasure.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 6:04 pm

Hannah winced. There was something on the radar. She blinked. Slowly her lips stretched into a tiny smile that continued growing until she was grinning like an idiot. Soon, loud laughter attracted the crew. The bravest one, ship’s mechanic named Jeff, peeked through the large oval door to see his captain standing on the chair in a triumphant pose. Only when she turned around he noticed her claw like hand on a switch. Hannah giggled when she saw him, and not paying much attention to his pale face turned the switch.
“Going into hyperspace. Please stay in your seats” mechanical voice said couple of seconds before Jeff who got to his senses yelled and threw himself at the floor along with other crew members who figured what was about to happen.
Ship reached the speed of light pinning the pile of swearing robbers to the opposite wall. The travel didn’t last very long. Soon, it slowed down, letting the now nervous irkens catch their breath.
Hannah who somehow managed to sit down and put her belt on in the meantime watched her crew in amusement.
“Okay we’re here!” she said in a fake cheerful voice jumping onto her feet as soon as the ship stopped.
“W… where?” Jeff asked weakly. He was barely holding in the puke.
She was about to answer when she accidentally gazed through the window. Her face dropped.
“Captain? “ he repeated finally establishing balance on his legs. “Boss? …Miss?” Rest of the crew carefully approached the window, not wishing to disturb their short tempered leader. Some of them whistled. Jeff approached as well in curiosity and looked at what everyone was now staring.
There was another ship, maybe couple of kilometers away. His jaw dropped as well at the wondrous sight. It was giant, could probably fit thousands of ships like theirs in it. And it was beautiful. He thought he knew what beautiful is before. How wrong he was. This ship, he had to call it a ship even though it didn’t look much like one, was beautiful, in the true meaning of the word.
Hannah who very quickly snapped back was smiling again, wider and wider until she turned around and snapped her fingers a couple of times in front of a crew mate’s nose. Not getting the desired reaction she took out her gun and shot him in the leg, all while not taking the bright look off her face. Hearing their friend scream others turned around and stood halt. Blood gashed from what was now left of his foot which he was holding. They tried to ignore his yells, just as they tried to ignore Hannah’s friendly smile.
“Well then, shall we?” There was no answer. Her face darkened as she looked down at the irken yelling. “Oh shut up.” Kicking him aside she walked to the door. “Anybody willing to come meet our neighbors?”
“Yes cap’n!” entire crew yelled in unison. Some of the experienced members exchanged knowing looks as they had the idea what their boss had in mind.
“No.” Hannah seemed to notice that. “I’m sorry to disappoint you boys, but no treasure hunting this time.” She threw another gaze through the window. “I’m not taking you all.” Irken with the bleeding foot sobbed. “Especially not you. You five!” she pointed. “Come with me. We’re taking the small cruiser.”
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 6:46 pm

Sythico peered to his armrest and noticed the radar had come up with a ship and in no hurry wandered to the landing bay “Send a comm. Line to the newcomers, ask them to join us on my ship.” He asked the pilots as he left the room through the automatic door. He wandered through the hallways with grace, every person he passed bowed and he returned it with a nod or a smile. The hallways were clean and shining with their gold and silver uniform, Sythico’s men and women all had their own rooms with their own individual delicacies and needs previously placed with his passengers in mind. Sythico’s ship was a grand home of millions of people, none neglected nor mistreated. Also no man had to work to live on the ship, cleaning and cooking androids took their place, and to live there they only had to fight for their lord.

The entire ship was built as if a paradise for pirates everywhere.

Sythico entered an elevator on his way to the hangar; the few people inside it moved in awe, it was a rare sight to have Sythico taking the simple travel to the hangar. Sythico softly pressed the button to go to the hangar bay and stood calmly with a small smile still printed on his face. “Is that lord Sythico?” a child asked their father, Sythico turned to the child and knelt before him to be at his height, Sythico nodded and opened his hand in gesture. The child smiled and reached his hand into Sythico’s, both shaking hands with one another. Sythico stands and ruffles the boy’s head and look to his father “Speak to your commander for your promotion.” Sythico knew every man on his ship and knew their places, promoting the man was something he had to do for a while.

Before long he got his way to the landing bay and awaited his guests with a graceful stance. His pole arm in hand just in case their visitors weren’t friendly. He stood along side the guards in the oxygen room. The room overlooked the entire hanger and had full control of the security turrets. The guards inside the room wore strange armor, full metal suits with energy shields that would cover their bodies, the colour scheme was merely silver and sky blue. They stood wielding their large guns, laser powered bullets with rocket attachments to the sides and a system of different utilities on their belts.

Elsewhere on his ship the pilots opened their comm. And spoke “Hello there strangers, feel free to enter the ship but drive with caution.” It seemed to be the co-pilot with the bad sense of humour speaking through the comm, the wrong choice to make to speak to a new life. Before the comm link closed a faint slapping noise and a curse word that was cut short was blared through the microphone.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 7:58 pm

The trip wasn’t supposed to last too long. Hannah, who immediately turned the autopilot on after she entered the coordinates, rested with her legs on the control board. Other four crew members were seated in the back while Jeff ( on his discomfort ) sat next to her. Being more nervous than his friends, he shuddered as he took another look at the giant ship. Looking at his captain remarkably triggered the same reaction.

How can she be so calm? Was this another one of her acts?

This made him wonder. She was indeed a difficult person to follow. As much as he knew, she could be eating herself on the inside right now. Jeff sighed at the thought. No… Hannah wasn’t like that. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her scared. She was the type that would jump into hell singing a merry tune.
The tension was killing him though… He had to ask her. He gulped. Even if it meant a shot through the foot.

“Ummm…” he started nervously. He looked up. She was asleep. This somewhat made him upset.
Sure, she’s the captain. But this is just rude.
He admonished himself.
You fool. This is Hannah.
Still, he made an innocent cough. Crew members on the back shot death glares at him. They thought the engine broke.

“What is it, mechanic?” Hannah asked without opening her eyes, but frowning.

He smiled apologetically. “Sorry captain. I think I caught a cold. ….but now since you’re awake, may I ask you a question?”

She opened her eyes. “Yeeeaah, now that you’ve accidentally awoken me, I guess you can ask me a question.” Was he for real? Hannah had to stifle a small chuckle.

“Ehhh… I was just wondering, what if this is a trap?” he finally let out what was torturing him.

“Then, we’re walking into a trap.” She stated rather cheerfully.

Jeff blinked. He was covered in sweat. Her eyes shifted so that now she was looking at him. “Is that all?”

He opened his mouth, but then wisely chose to close them. He could not possibly win this fight.
“Yes. Thank you.” He sunk into his own chair, trying to ignore the threatening shadow of a ship that just covered them.

Hannah smiled and got up placing claws on her hips. There they were. She looked up at the ship. After days and days of doing nothing it seemed to come just in time. She didn’t care much whether it was inhabited with grinning peaceful diplomats or bloodsucking cannibals. Actually, she did. She was curious.

“Alright morons. We're here.” Irkens in the back got up. They were excited as well. She could sense it. Only mech-boy seemed to be nervous. She sighed. She would’ve killed him long time ago if he wasn’t the only person who seem to know how their central motor worked. Jeff, was his name? He annoyed her the most. Still, she grinned at the thought how terrified he must be.

Suddenly she heard a voice. ““Hello there strangers, feel free to enter the ship but drive with caution.””

Ah, they were expecting them. Very well then.

They landed.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 2:41 pm

Sythico would watched their surprisingly small ship land on the hangar floor. The hangar doors closed behind them as he stepped out of the oxygen room. As he stepped down the stairs his guards stepped behind him, simutaneously repeating Sythico's movements. Once before the ship's entrance the guards lined up side by side and lifted their weapons to a 30° angle towards the ceiling in the sky. What they were doing seemed to be some kind of welcome message of peace, taken from generations from the previous reigns in Aesos empire. Sythico stood proudly with one hand to his chest with a closed fist and the other pointing in the same angle as the guards.
The hangar was, strangely, beautiful as well. The room had no shadows, instead the room was patterened with foreign light bulbs shaped in strange ways. The area where the ship would land was luminated with the same lights but in a strange tone of purple.

The rest of crew were sent to the dine/mess hall to ready themselves for the guests. The Mess Hall was very much not a mess, instead the room the crew stood in was large, shining and beautiful, decorated perfectly to match the rest of the ship. The crew sat at pure golden tables the circled around a centre table of which seated the Lord and his guests. The room was rarely set out in this way, the crew instantly knew that today everyone would be fed well and have a good time so they dressed their best to suit the occassion.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 4:20 pm

Hannah stepped out of the ship, quickly followed by her crew. Hard light immediately blinded her. After she managed to accustom her eyes to the light, she blinked a couple of times and got a proper look at the place.

Sight was magnificent. They were greeted by proud looking, formally dressed guards. People. Wait, people? Humans? Hannah immediately recognized the race she lived with for fifteen years. With surprise, she realized how she just couldn’t get over the fact. Humans. Seeing them after all this time… An average, undeveloped race. It’s not that she didn’t love them but… when have they advanced so much?

Hands down, she had to give them credit. Remembering she’s standing in purple light for some time now and thinking, she straightened up and cautiously, but without fear, lead her crew. The men standing on each side were strange. They certainly didn’t want to harm them, but Hannah recognized rough face lines and looks well hidden in their eyes. These were dangerous people. Delightful. She honestly feared they’d be greeted by a bunch of cowardly wimps and felt deeply revealed. Her crew glanced as well at the humans as they walked by. They were prepared to fight and die for their leader if necessary. Well, with an exception of Jeff who wasn’t prepared.

It is then when Hannah spotted the human at the other side. It was obviously their leader because he was dressed far more beautifully than the rest of men and stood with such dignity others looked like insects. She had to notice that beside his clothing, he was also the most beautiful in general. Inside of her mind Hannah had to chuckle. Some things never change. Delusions of superiority obviously exist everywhere.
Still, she was able to put on her most genuine smile as she approached.
“Thank you, for such a warm welcome.” She bowed, and so did her crew.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 4:47 pm

Sythico bows before the newcomers, before standing proudly. He lowered his weapon as his men did simutaneously. It all seemed very well rehearsed "Greetings, I am Sythico and this is Aesos. You are fully welcome to rest and relax in our abode. And it is our pleasure." His voice hummed through the room with a strange elegance. He then gestured his hand for his guards to follow the guests "Follow me, we have a dine ready for you." He said as he turned gracefully and slowly exited the room, of which his guests would follow.

The entire ship seemed to have great elegance and beauty throughout, not a scuff nor a particle of dirt was apparent, it is very well kept.

As Sythico walked to the mess hall his aura seemed to shine off the walls, lighting it further, also glowing white footprints seemed to follow. "Wait here for a moment." He said as the doors at either side of the group would close. A spray covered them then shortly the walls seemed to suck the dirt straight from them all. Sythico's hair blew in the suction with amazing beauty "Now that that is over, welcome to the kingdom of Aesos!" He opened the mess hall door with a code on the press on the wall. The doors opened revealing the most welcoming of crews inside the largest and most glamorous of halls. Thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of men welcomed their guests.
Sythico walked to his table and sat upon his golden seat, the seats already open for seating and would be sat from importance order. Each chair looking as if it were a throne of comfort. The guards stood at each exit ready for any kind of battle, although shouldn't be needed. "So, why do you welcome us with your grace? And also what do you desire to eat tonight?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 5:22 pm

Guests stared at the scene wide eyed as they were being seated. They seemed to catch on the atmosphere quite fast, very soon all of them were smiling as this hospitality could leave nobody heartless. Even Hannah, who was uncertain and awkward felt touched, which made her feel foolish as well. For as long as she remembered no one ever welcomed her like this, which is natural considering she was one of the galaxy’s most wanted criminal bosses. But this amount of open trust, from these strangers that knew nothing about them and have never seen them before in their lives… It left her speechless.
Energy beamed through her orange eyes as she looked at their host. She couldn’t relax in her throne-like chair. Instead she half stood as she answered. “Well we saw your ship from afar.” She grinned. Who wouldn’t? “And I must admit, curiosity lead us from there.”
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 5:30 pm

Sythico laughed heartily "Well that's what we aim for." He smiled as he picked up his goblit, already filled with the finest of wines "Drink up, eat, feel welcome." He said as if it were a toast then began to drink. Simultaneaously the crew clashed their mugs and tucked into their feasts. Sythico looked towards the guests empty plates "Any food you desire." He smiles as he started cutting into the food before him with what seemed to be jewelled cutlary. The plate seemed to be filled with mouth watering combinations of vegetables, meats and fruits. All matched perfectly for the ultimate pleasure for the taste buds.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 5:49 pm

"Your aim is to attract guests?" She smiled. The rest of the crew looked at her in terror as she did. However they didn't let their captain's odd behavior bother them for too long. Food on the table seemed to speak to them - it told them they're hungry. What clever food.They didn't even know that, even though they ate just an hour ago.
Hannah mentally slapped herself as her crew slowly started filling plates. Idiots. She took a bite of some strange looking fruit out of formality before looking back at Sythico. Something still bothered her. "Sorry if I am rude, but I must ask. Do you welcome everyone like this?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:01 pm

"We welcome who we need like this." He seemed after finishing a small mouthfull not to break his manners, he places his knife and fork down on the table to pause his meal and talk to his guest "I am in need of help, my dear, we're trying to find something but I need your help for it. As well as many more." He stands slowly and gestures Hannah to follow "I shall show you." He walked from the room, the guards parting for his and Hannah's exit.

Sythico walked down the hall with the same grace and came to a door that required another code, this one private to only highly trusted members of staff. The door opened with a bling once Sythico entered the code, the room was darker than the rest of the ship and a lot smaller, Sythico flicked a switch inside to turn the lights on, the room was filled with a library of books and dead in the centre was a glass table containing what seemed to be a fragment of an ancient rune "This is what I am looking for, the piece that finishes the final puzzle." He turned to look at Hannah with a soft glance as he offered a seat whilst the glass table seemed to gain a plate screen of some kind around it's outer layer. The plate layer was pure white and started to glow in vibrant patterns as it seemed to boot "I shall tell you if you join us in our quest."
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:18 pm

Hannah sighed quietly as she followed Sythico. Of course there was a hidden motive. Well at least she was on her own ground now, thinking back, her cheerfulness looked foolish.
She observed him while he entered the code. Surely this was something she would do as well. First flatter, then ask for a favor. She almost cursed her curiosity. What a stupid thing to have.
Naturally, she walked into the room and sat where Sythico offered her. She eyed the table. Piece of a puzzle...
"Quest can be many things. What kind of a quest?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:37 pm

"Mainly a search and destroy." Sythico looked to the table as it started to emit a light. The room went black and the door locked behind them as the hologram appeared from the table. It showed an image of war following utter destruction. It seemed to be a recognised planet but only visually "I know who you are Hannah, I flattered you merely because I know your crew enjoy it." Sythico pointed to a mountain in the now paused image of destruction "This is the creator's peak, no one knows where it is in this large universe. the landscape you see before you was planet Shena; a planet of peace and unity formed by a religion of which only three gods exist." Sythico walked from the light and around to the other side to point closer to different part of the image, it seemed to be a man standing "This is the overlord that took the planet under Shena's will; Shena is not merely the planet but the god of balance, she calculates every part of the universe to keep it in complete balance. Her image of a beautiful lady in white robes holding merely the scales filled with the sands of time." The image zoomed out to show the planet "This entire planet destroyed itself mystically, tearing itself clean in two, one half the planet obliterating and scattering it's dusts throughout the galaxy and the other still remains, hopefully with the peak still intact. The dust contains these golden runes, like the one you just witnessed." The image infront turned off abruptly and Sythico turned the lights back on "That is the only information we have, we found it with a rune, we do not know why they were together and we do not know how they are still intact but we must find the rest to solve and reunite the powers of Shena." Sythico's voice started to soften more as he placed his hand on Hannah's shoulder "I know how ruthless you are, I need you to help me, once we solve this puzzle I will grant you with whatever I can. What say you?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:05 pm

She tilted her head trying to take everything in. He knew who she was. Well, a lot of people did. On the plus side he didn't scream her name and run away. ...But how? Granted he didn't see a wanted poster. The story explained it a bit but still she had a feeling he didn't tell her everything.
She got up and started walking around the room, the story of a mystical dead planet, gods and keeping universe in balance.. it sounded like a fairy tale. Still... if it was true, and this guy wasn't toying with her.. ...it was alluring.
Bunch of questions started forming around her head, about Earth, himself, how can she trust him.
Suddenly stopping her pace, a small smile appeared on the criminal's face. First rule - she couldn't. But she will anyway. Why? Because she can. And if she's wrong - so be it. What the hell, this sounds like fun.
Hannah looked up her eyes glowing. "It's a deal." She laughed. "But you will have to explain me a couple of things..."
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:20 pm

Sythico smiled, feeling accomplished "Yes m'lady, what do you wish to ask?" The man was very open to everything and anything, Sythico was at peace with the universe but took whom he must to form the future. Sythico did nothing in vein.

Suddenly the telecomm opened from above and spoke, this time the person speaking seemed older "Lord Sythico, sir, sorry to interrupt but we may have found something." Sythico again smiled as he opened up the room "Follow me to the control room, we will speak there, I feel as if we are about to find the next piece of the puzzle." Sythico lead Hannah to the control room. The large ship seming to be a labyrinth, how Sythico remembered where everything was is a mystery. The shining halls all looked the same and seemed to go on forever with it's twists, turns and lifts. Eventually they made it to the control room, it was another huge room, again continued to apply the beautiful scheme that followed most of the building, the only difference was that this room had merely a large throne that was covered and surrounded with complex buttons with machinery and the two pilots sitting at the helm, they seemed as if they were strapped to the space with their armour. They also sat at what seemed to be a complex mesh of buttons and other equipment.

One of the pilots was typing into what seemed to be a computer whilst the other one was looking out to this huge planet "Sir, it seems as though this planet contains the same inscription and power codes as the one that had the last rune on it." The pilot's voice seemed slightly startled and confused "There seems to be a comm. channel so there must be civilisation there, do you want to connect or stay invisible?" The pilot asked uncertain.

"Well, I think we should remain invisible just outside of their range whilst me and Hannah's crew head to the planet. I'm sure they won't notice us as long as we remain inconspicuous." Sythico replied "We shall leave shortly, but first what did you wish to ask Hannah?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:33 pm

Hannah took her gaze off the screen. "Many things, I'm afraid, as I do not like being left in the dark. Though first thing's first, and I will ask you only one question now." She grinned. "How do you know so much about me?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:35 pm

Sythico smiled and turned to look at the pilot's "We will set off shortly." He then walked past Hannah and looked back at her "Well... Let's just say I have more power than you can imagine." He smiled again then continued to walk to the hangar "Is it alright if we use your ship to dock the planet, we need your crew Hannah, if they are ready for a fight."
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:53 pm

Hannah quirked an eyebrow at him. "Enlightening answer." she said while turning away from the screen and following him to the hangar. She chuckled at some own joke inside of her head. "I see we're going to have, communication problems." She then thought about his question. Oh her crew will be ready. It better be. "Yes, don't see a problem with that. I'm only sorry now that I didn't bring more."
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 12:29 pm

"I doubt there'd need to be any more than you have." Sythico walked towards the hangar bay with prompt speed "Gather your men, I'll take a seat on the ship. We can work out a tactic once we see who is on the planet." Sythico wandered past a hitch in the wall, he looked at it and pressed his hand to it. Within a moment a bright light shone and a weapon rack shot from the hitch, it carried multiple weapons, from explosives/demolition to hand guns and machine guns. Sythico grabbed a battery from the far right of the rack then looked to Hannah "Take what you and your men need, we may need to defend ourselves down there."

Sythico left the weapons rack open as he left to get to the hangar, he knew it would close as soon as Hannah would finish choosing her weapons.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 4:02 pm

"Yes sir..." she murmured under her breath after Sythico left. She then looked at the large array of weapons. Pride bothered her, but with weapons being her passion Hannah had to investigate. Most of them she recognized... even though a lot had different designs. Basically they were all the same. She took a couple of weird looking bombs and put them on the belt next to hers own. If she gets a chance, she'll open one up later. When she made sure they're well attached, she took a couple of those metal expandable spears she saw Sythico's guards wearing when they arrived. Just in case her crew decides to raise into the new levels of idiocy and tells it has forgotten the weapons.
That was it. Hannah was uncertain for a moment wondering how to close the rack. Shrugging it off, she just started walking to where she thought the main hall was when she heard it closing behind her back. No wonder, the "man with the plan" took care of it. Raising a brow, she turned around and continued walking, now with a smile. This is going to be a blast.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 4:11 pm

Arrived at the Hangar, the guards had recieved word that he was leaving so they came down to bid farewell, the guards stood in line as they did when Hannah and her crew arrived. Sythico walked past them all with a smile to each and a nod to their general, he wasn't there before but he looked basically the same but with his visor was customised to know who he was "General Barb, pleased you're here to see my leave. I expect you to take good care of Aesos whilst I am away." In reply the general saluted then nodded, he didn't speak because he infact was a mute. Sythico smiled then turned to the rest of the line "Men, this is the first step to finding what we have always seeked. I feel we have a long journey but we shall fight to return Shena's power!" Sythico saluted to the guards, simutaneaously they saluted, then Sythico enetered the seat. Sitting at one of the side seats near the entrance, he didn't put the seatbelt on because he knew they were pretty much useless. He pondered some tactics whilst waiting for Hannah and her crew.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 6:40 pm

"How can you be sure it's not poisoned?" Jeff held what seemed to be an awkward looking vegetable with a worried frown. Others didn't pay much attention to him. Suddenly someone placed a hand on his shoulder. "Awww, don't worry Jeff Jeff! If you die we'll throw you out the window!" Jeff jumped and the rest of the crew turned around at their captain's voice. Hannah smiled and gestured them to get up. "Tell me you have your weapons."
"Yes cap'n!"
We'll need weapons? Jeff gulped. Surely Hannah knew they were outnumbered by far.
"Goooood." She threw something at each of them what looked like a metal spear. "These might come in handy anyway. You need all the help you can get."
"We're attacking?" Jeff whispered.
Hannah laughed. "Finally, rebellious thoughts coming out of you Jeffry boy? What other miracles will we encounter on this ship?"
The crew was looking at her with a mix of confusion and anticipation.
She walked past them chuckling , shaking one clawed finger.
"No boys. That wouldn't be a way to return our host's hospitality now would it?" There was a note of sarcasm in her voice the thugs didn't understand.
Their captain turned to reveal a dark smile. "Nope. We're on a new mission boys. A quest, may sound better to you adventurers. Follow me."
And so they did, exchanging blank looks.
They were at the hangar two minutes later. Walking between the stern guards once again toward their cruiser. Hannah nodded as she reached the door at Sythico. "Hello there. Bringing your men?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 3:20 pm

"No need, I trust we have enough with just us." Sythico purked up a bit once Hannah arrived, he smiled with his head rest in his hand. Sythico watched his guards lower their weapons then walk to the oxygen chamber to make sure they don't get sucked into oblivion. There was no emotion on Sythico's face, no worry or regret, he was ready to take on his quest alone if he had to. But seeing as he had one of the universes most wanted in the same ship he felt somewhat strangely relaxed. Sythico was merely waiting for their mission to finally start.
"Goodbye Lord Sythico, Lady Hannah! May Shena's will be on your side!" A strong voice spoke through the comm. as final goodbyes, the guards stood in the oxygen chamber in site behind the glass and just in view. Sythico merely waved through the window with one flick of his wrist.
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 3:54 pm

"Admiring your confidence." Her lips stretched into a bitter yet amused smirk as she heard the voice call her lady. But then the engine turned on and she forgot about everything. She was going on a mission, probably the biggest one in her life yet, united with the human pirate lord. This was the first time her crew actually cooperated with someone and as new as it was, Hannah had a good feeling about it. She didn't entirely trust him but again, she didn't entirely trust anyone.
Her eyes shined with glee as she sat next to her new found colleague, only slightly darkening when she turned to Sythico. "So what's the plan so far?"
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 4:10 pm

"Well, after analysing their auras it seems as though they are an aggressive race... We should keep stealthy and only fight when needed." Sythico felt the thrust of the ship as they took off to the planet, he didn't move but his hair flicked across. "Or we could take the planet, they don't seem terribly advanced nor powerful." Sythico's eyes were glowing slightly, his sky blue eyes started to gleem as if clouds were passing through them "This could be the first gift from me to you."

As they exited the ship the large planet seemed to orbit it's star a lot faster than an average planet, it was also coloured differently, the landscape was more of a teal colour rather than green and the seas were a lot darker. Sythico peered through the window at the front of the ship then stood next to the pilot, he held onto the ceiling above him as he looked to the planet "Strange colours, must be from the power of the rune... They may not even have noticed."
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Aesos; The Golden Armada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aesos; The Golden Armada   Aesos; The Golden Armada I_icon_minitime

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